Mountain EDC

You have probably heard of  EDC (= Every Day Carry)
In this article I will just explain what I carry on person while mountaineering. Some basic items always stay the same, some may vary depending on the route I am about to take.
They are not really meant to build up a survival Kit, they are just what I think could be useful to have at your fingerips whithout taking your backpack of.

When you look at my article about my clothing system you will find a review about the trousers I use
 (summer: KAZ03/M75 trousers of the Austrian Bundesheer - winter: same as summer but with extra layers of clothing underneath or the Gorka 3 trousers)

On Person - Basic:

My watch, the Samsung Gear S2. I use this watch to track my route and to view my pulse. The watch has a lot of other nice features but I don't use all of them while hiking.
Not an ideal solution, beacuse of the low battery lifetime and the high price.
My watch (Samsung Gear S2)

Upper pockets: 

right hand side: Mobile Phone
left hand side: victorinox spartan/Storm-lighter

Cargo pockets:

left cargo pocket:
              - emergency blanket (SharkMedical-tactical survival blanket), to build an emergency shelter
                if necessary, to make myself visible or to use it like you are supposed to...
             - A triangular bandage and some band-aid
The emergency blanket is stored in the left cargo pocket

right cargo pocket: Thrunite Ti5 (clipped in the inner pocket of the trousers) and map of my location

             - The Thrunite Ti5 is just a small "backup-light". If I know I'm going to need a light
               (night walk, longer routes etc.) I always have a headlamp and another flashlight (Thrunite T10) with me.
             -  Compass for my map: When I am going to completly unknow terrain I would always have
                one big compass with me, but for fast navigation and basic location information i use two
                different kinds of  maps (show that later) and the suunto clipper (which is mounted to my backback harness)

Ti5 clipped inside the right cargo pocket (and map)

Those things are in my cargo pockets (for the suunto clipper: on my harness) to have them at my fingertips without taking the backback off.
I am not really concerned to lose my backpack while walking, because it is always secured to my body. So if I get lost or if I have an accident i will always have my backpack on my back
(maybe I am not able to get access to it after an accident, but that's why i have the blanket in my pocket, maybe I am able to grab the blanket and make myself visible. If not, I am probably dead or very very bad wounded)

I don't like to carry something on my belt. For me, a pocket on the belt is just annoying while walking. 

On Person - additional: 

In steep terrain, I like to have my upper pockets fairly empty... So i remove my mobile phone.

Reference Pictures:

The two emergency blankets I use (left: Sharkmed Olive-Silver - right: Gold-Silver)

The Thrunite Ti5 
Clawgear storm-lighter

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