Gloves (and mittens)

The idea of this post is, to show you some different types of gloves, what I like and what I dislike, how they fit, about material... - maybe you cand gain some useful infomration. Different types of gloves Gloves for summer, for winter, for work, for combat... If you want to check out a lot of mind-blowing information about gloves, their history and whatsoever, check out the article on wikipedia about gloves . (Also great if you have a lot of free time and no idea what you should do now) Winter gloves (and mittens) Do I have to explain, why we sometimes need to wear gloves in the cold months of the year? Well, even when this should not be the "thing" to be concerned about: Frostbite If you have you free skin in contact with the cold air around, you can get frostbite. (not immediatly, but after some time). Another point: you will loose your feeling, e.g. for pain, or for some fiddly tasks. All this can be prevented by wearing gloves. The...