First Aid Kit

In my opinion you should always have a small first aid kit with you, not only when you decide to go hiking or mountaineering but also everyday, in your car, backpack or messanger bag - because you never know when you need a band-aid or something to treat superficial burn. For mountaineering I built my own first-aid kit but you can also buy a completly assembled kit. I personally like to customize my first aid kits, so I don't recommend getting an assambled kit. Better build your own kit specified for your needs. Always keep in mind when packing your own kit, don't pack a first aid kit that every paramedic would be proud of having... There is no need to go overboard. Thankfully I never had some sever injuries but some items from the kit came handy for me in the past. So lets take a look inside my kit and why i have choosen those items: Pouch: Basically, the type of pouch or container you choose for your FAK (=First Aid Kit) dosen't matter. As an example, a fr...